Join us today at 11 AM for YOGA FOR A CAUSE!
Yoga Instructor Kristen Cheman, from Ballston CrossFit, will be holding a donation-based “Gentle Flow” Yoga class today to raise many for “Girls On the Run Northern Virginia.” Girls On The Run is an organization that works with girls in grades 3-8, helping them build confidence and decision-making skills through fitness/running.
Suggested Donation:
$10-$20. All donations are being matched by two corporate donations, so every $1 will turn into $3!
No need to register, just show up! No experience required!

Every 2:00, 4 Rounds
1) 5 X33-Tempo Strict Chin-Up (FX: Banded) (RX+: Weighted)
+ 5 X33-Tempo Ring Row
2) 12-16 Alternating Single Leg Box Squat (FX: 8/8 Lateral Box Step Ups) (RX+: Alternating Pistols)
*X33-Tempo: explode, 3s pause, 3s eccentric
2 Rope Climbs (FX: 1)
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (50/35) (FX: 35/20)
18 Box Jump Overs (24/20)