Steve Kwiatkowski
Steve 31, started CrossFit in February of 2015 with CrossFit Route 7 and has experience some awesome changes.
With a regiment of 4-5 classes a week, Steve has dropped 23lbs in 6 months and increased strength/speed and mobility since joining CR7.
“All around I feel a whole lot better too, with increased energy!”
Steve enjoys playing in his recreation flag football league, being outdoors and watching other sporting events and hanging out with friends and family. Steve’s favorite strength movements are Power Cleans and Back Squat, “Those two movements I feel the most comfortable doing and have seen a big jump in the amount of weight I am able to do”.
“I am still learning all the names to the benchmark WODS but I do enjoy whenever running is incorporated in the WODs. Out of the Benchmark WODs we have done, Angie and Diane were both challenging and I enjoyed doing them. I look forward to completing more Benchmark WODs that I have not yet done.”
Steve, like all of us is still a work in progress and has goals to focus more on Diet and would like to drop another 10-15lbs and says he wants to cut out the pop and sugary drinks and to trim fat and build muscle. Steve has displayed such a positive and ambitious attitude towards his health and fitness and all of us around have watched his confidence and abilities grow. We look forward and expect big things from him in the future.