We are two days away from Murph! Come join us the CFR7 family on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30th, to complete MURPH, in honor of all our servicemen and women who have sacrificed their lives for our country. We will run TWO WODs – 9 and 10 AM. Reserve your spot in Zen Planner today. Friends and family are welcome! Drop-ins are $25.
We will light up the grill and BBQ! Feel free to bring food and/or drinks to share with everyone!

For Time w/ Partner (Partition in any way)
100 Thrusters (75/55) (FX: 55/35) (RX+: 95/65)
100 Bar Facing Burpees (FX: Burpees)
100 Situps (RX+: Weighted 15/10lbs)
*Every 3:00, including 0:00, 20 Box Jumps (24/20) (FX: 12)
then….800m Team Run (FX: 600m) (RX+: 1000m)
*35:00 Cap