CrossFit Route 7 v Ballston CrossFit Scaled Competition
TODAY at 3pm!
Come support our teams as we throw-down and have some fun!

15 min AMRAP
Every 5 mins, including 0:00, Bike 20/15 Cals (FX: 15/10)
AMRAP (pick up where you left off)
20 Toes to Bar (FX: 10 TTB)
10 Clean and Jerks (RX: 135/95) (FX: 135/95) (RX+: 165/115)
Rest 2 mins
15 min AMRAP
Every 5 mins, including 0:00, row 300m/250m (FX: 250/200m)
AMRAP (pick up where you left off)
20 Sit-ups
10 Thrusters (Rx: 115/80) (FX: 95/65) (RX+: 135/95)