“Kipping comes in a myriad of styles, and each athlete has a signature kip, but in its most elegant form the kip is a transference of movement first generated in the horizontal plane, where it comes cheap and easy, to the vertical plane, where momentum and a perfectly timed pull from the back launch the athlete forcefully upward.”
This kipping clinic will focus on kipping for pull-ups and bar muscle ups as well as knees to elbows and toes to bar. We will also be going over the butterfly chin over bar and chest to bar pull up. We will focus on utilizing our hips (rather than our feet) to generate power in our kip and keeping our kips strong and solid as to not put unnecessary pressure on our shoulders.
3RM Push Jerk
From the floor
5 Rounds for Time:
10/7 Ring Dips
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20
10 Chest to Bar Pull ups Fx: Pull ups