Saturday Squad-WOD

For Time, with a Partner:
600m Run with Partner (Rx+: 25# plate)
*One Partner barbell front rack hold during gymnastics, while other works*
48 Front Rack Lunges (Rx: 95/65) (Fx: 75/55) (Rx+: 115/80)
36 Pull-Ups (Fx: Ring rows) (Rx+: Chest-to-bar)
24 Handstand Push-ups (Rx+: 3″/2″ Deficit) (Fx: Hand Release Push-ups)
400m Run with Partner (Rx+: 25# plate)
*One Partner barbell back rack hold during gymnastics, while other works*
48 Back Squats (Rx: 135/95) (Fx: 115/80) (Rx+: 155/115)
36 Pull-Ups (Fx: Ring rows) (Rx+: Chest-to-bar)
24 Handstand Push-ups (Rx+: 3″/2″ Deficit) (Fx: Hand Release Push-ups)
200m Run with Partner (Rx+: 25# plate)
One Partner barbell DOUBLE OVERHAND deadlift hold during gymnastics, while other works*
48 Deadlifts (Rx: 155/115) (Fx: 135/95) (Rx+: 165/125)
36 Pull-Ups (Fx: Ring rows) (Rx+: Chest-to-bar)
24 Handstand Push-ups (Rx+: 3″/2″ Deficit) (Fx: Hand Release Push-ups)
*30 Min Time Cap*