Monday, November 22, 2021


Monday, November 22, 2021

SAVE THE DATE for our First Annual CFR7 White Elephant Party on Friday, December 17th at 7pm! You can find information about the event here.

Weekly OverviewEvents/Classes
MondayBack Squat Free 7-Fit Class at 6:30 PM! Click here to register now.
TuesdayLong Conditioning
ThursdayPartner WOD Free 7-Fit Class at 6:30 PM! Click here to register now.
SaturdayStrict RMU/Pullups Free 7-Fit Class at 10 AM! Click here to register now.
SundayPush Press


E3MOM 15
2 Back Squats
1: 80 – 85%
2: 80 – 85%
3: 80 – 85%
4: 85 – 90%
5: 85 – 90%


Every :30 for 5 Rounds
1: 15/10 Calorie Bike (Fx: 12/8) (Rx+: 20/15)
2: Rest
3: AMRAP Rope Climbs
4: Continue AMRAP Rope Climbs
5: Rest
6: Rest