Happy Independence Day!
We only have an 8 AM and 9 AM class today – reserve your spot on ZenPlanner ASAP!

Weekly Overview | Events/Classes | |
Monday | 4th of July WOD | |
Tuesday | Handstand Skill Work | Thoracic (upper) Spine Mobility Class at 5:45 PM |
Wednesday | Clean | |
Thursday | Bent-Over Row | |
Friday | Front Squat | |
Saturday | Squad WOD | |
Sunday | Shoulder/Knee Strengthening |
4th of July WOD
7 Rounds for Time w/ Partner (Split reps any way)
4 Rope Climbs (FX: 2)
100m Team Run (both partners)
7 Power Clean (185/125) (FX: 155/105) (RX+: 205/145)
7 Synchro Bar Facing Burpees (both partners)
6 Bar Muscle-Ups (FX: Chest to Bar Pull-Up) (RX+: Ring Muscle-Ups)
*40:00 Cap