Overview of The Week:
Monday: “Kalsu”
Tuesday: Clean Complex
Wednesday: E3MOM Row Snatch
Thursday: Front Squats
Friday: Deadlift
Saturday: Open Wod 15.3
Sunday: Push Press Complex

Robert Kalsu (1945-1970) was an All-American tackle at the University of Oklahoma in 1967. He entered the army to fulfill his ROTC obligation in 1969. He served as a Second Lieutenant with Battery C, 2nd Battalion, 11th Artillery, 101st Airborne Division in the Vietnam War. He was killed in action on July 21, 1970 by mortar fire near the Ashau Valley.
Hero WOD:
For Time
100 Thrusters (135/95 lb)
EMOM 5 Burpees including 0:00
Post- WOD Finisher:
Couch Stretch 2:00 min/leg