Monday, January 16, 2017
Be on the lookout for new faces. We are running our foundations course in the mornings and evenings for the next 2 weeks. Please be warm and welcoming to our attendees and assure them that CrossFit Route 7 is the place to be. The attendees will go right into 1 month of membership after successful completion of the course. Let’s show them the ropes, Thanks.
Monday, January 16 Schedule:
0630: Open Gym
1200: WOD
1730: WOD
Monday: 20 RepBack Squat
Tuesday: Work
Wednesday: Snatch
Thursday: 20 RepFront Squat
Friday: Push Press, Open Prep WOD
Saturday:Hero WOD
Sunday: Bench Press
20 Rep Back Squat
(Week 2: 73-75% of 5RM)
Warm Up: 5@ 58%, 63%, 68%
5 rounds
10 Curtis P’s 95/65, Fx:75/55
10 T2B
10 Meter HS Walk/ Fx: 15 Shoulder Taps
Curtis P:
1 Power clean
2 alt Front Rack Lunges
1 Push Press or jerk