Lisa Leonhardt: Pregnancy and CrossFit
I think working out throughout pregnancy is important, as long as it’s safe for you, especially considering after the baby you can’t/don’t have time to lol. My goal was to work out 3x a week throughout the entire pregnancy, but I managed to do up to 5x a lot of weeks. It was very difficult for me in the beginning because there is a lot of competing advice on what you should/shouldn’t do. The whole “work out at a conversation pace” is kind of impossible with crossfit haha. What worked well for me was to tone down the intensity, take breaks when I thought I was starting to breathe too heavy, and stop doing any crunching movements after the 1st trimester. I probably took it a little too easy the 1st trimester, but I had a miscarriage two months prior to this pregnancy so I just wanted to be extra sure. The biggest thing is to listen to your body, which I thought was terrible advice going into the pregnancy because I wanted some concrete rules, but it really is true. I think this topic is really important and isn’t something I really thought about until I had to! If anyone has any questions I would be happy to answer them.