Friday, June 19, 2015
TONIGHT! At Ballston CrossFit, Friday, June 19, 2015 at 6:30pm its time for the WOD and Whiskey night we’ve all been whispering about. The ladies had their fun on their “WOD and wine” event last month. Now it’s the gentlemens turn to throwdown in a melee of fitness and then enjoy some fine whisky sipping and pickings. Think chips, wings, bacon and whatever anybody wants to bring really. We will get our workout in and then hang afterwards like classy fellows before taking the town by storm, or going to bed for a nice fitness/whiskey induced slumber! Don’t miss out. Spots limited.
Power clean + clean, find heavy single
*Complex is one power clean to one clean.
Hang power clean, 70% of complex
Kettlebell swings, 24/16