Friday, July 7, 2017


Friday, July 7, 2017


O.G. of the day is Mr. “I don’t come for the music” George Hammerschmidt.

Every once in a while something comes into your life that’s worth hanging on to for as long as you can.  My spouse and family come to mind.  In this case it’s a group a people who came together as strangers and accomplish more together than they ever could individually.   That’s CrossFit Route7 to me and especially the 6 a.m. class.  I won’t try and name them all for fear of missing someone but may God bless them for having the patience to encourage me, wait for me to finish and at times tolerate me 🙂
Any WOD that BJ or Marcus run (except Murph, still in therapy)

Kipping Handstand Push Up Technique

Athletes that don’t need to work on their kipping HSPU technique:
8-12 rope climbs for time

5 Rounds for time:
9 Deadlifts 225/155, Fx:185/105
9 Handstand Push ups

RX+ 255, 4″/2″ Deficit HSPU
12:00 Cap

CFR7: 6 x 100m Sled Drag
*Fast Steady Walk load