Friday, February 2, 2018


Friday, February 2, 2018

You asked and we listened. This Sunday is the Last Sunday for Yoga! Yoga will now take place on Thursday nights at 7:45 pm starting February 8th. There will no Open gym at this time. Silence is golden. Spread the word and bring you mat or use ours. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.


On a running clock:

‘Open Workout 16.3’
10 Power Snatches (75/55#) Fx, 45/35
3 Bar Muscle-ups (Fx = 5 C2B pull-ups or 5 Jumping C2B Pull-ups)

Rest 3:00, until 10:00 then…

3 Person Teams, one team member working at a time, for time:
150 Assault Bike Calories
90 Overhead Squats (135/95#) fx = 96/65#
60 Hang Power Clean (135/95#)

Every 2 for 8 (4 sets) of:
Plank x :80 seconds