Today we are doing 23.1 in all classes! The theme is SUPERHERO!
Please reserve your spot on Zen Planner, or venmo the $25 drop-in fee to @crossfitroute7. All are welcome!
Everyone will partner up and the class will be split into two heats — one to work out and one to judge your partner! Your Coach will provide you with a scoresheet, but come prepared to judge and cheer each other on!
Friday Night Lights: If you’re coming in the evening (4:30, 5:30 or 6:30 PM WODs), feel free to bring food or drinks to enjoy after you work out!
HOW TO SUBMIT SCORES: IT IS THE ATHLETE’S RESPONSIBILITY TO SUBMIT SCORES BY MONDAY AT 8PM (we recommend using the 2023 NoBull CrossFit Games app and submitting right after you do the Open workout).

Open Workout 23.1
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes-to-Bar (Scaled: Hanging Knee Raises)
40 Wall Balls (20/14) (Scaled: 14/10)
30 Cleans (135/95) (Scaled: 95/65)
20 Ring Muscle-Ups (Scaled: Pull-Ups)