** CrossFit Kids has been rescheduled to Saturday, March 30th**
Do you LOVE CrossFit Route 7? Do you want to spread the love to our new athletes? We would love to have you participate in our new CFR7 Buddy Program! As a buddy, you will be paired with new members to try and make them feel welcome and to help them get involved in our amazing community. You would lend some support, invite them to partner wods with you, encourage them to come to class and events, and help them learn terminology and mobility! Sound like something you would enjoy? Sign up as a CFR7 Buddy on the spreadsheet below!
E3MOM 18
2 Back Squats @85-90%
For Time:
500m Row
5 Rope Climbs (Fx: 3 Rope Climbs)
25 Toes to Bar (Fx: 15 T2B)
Muscular Endurance Test:
Max Unbroken Strict Pull Ups