WOD / Events

Every 1:30, 4 Rounds
1) 10 Strict Ring Dips w/ Pause in Dip (Banded/Weighted)
2) 10 Strict Chin-Ups w/ Pause in Hang (Banded/Weighted)
3) :30/:30 Side Plank

6 50′ Shuttle Runs
9 Pull-Ups (FX: Jumping Pull-Ups) (RX+: Chest to Bar Pull-Ups)
12 Push-Ups (FX: On Knees) (RX+: Hand Release Push-Ups
*RX/RX+ Min: 6 Rounds

Happy 10 Year Anniversary!
Come support and cheer as we host our AM v Noon v PM Throw-down, followed by Famous Dave’s BBQ! We will kick things off at 9 AM and be finished within a few hours! Feel free to bring a dessert or drinks to share!

Come celebrate our beautiful community!

We want to celebrate our community and all of YOU!

This year we are celebrating 10 YEARS since we’ve opened the doors at CFR7! We’ve have been through so many seasons and chapters as a community, from humble beginnings, to surviving COVID, to forming a barbell club, to hosting competitions, and being able to claim one of the biggest CrossFit Open registration participation numbers in the DMV.

Join us for a regular Saturday morning tomorrow, except get ready for some fitness, fun, and BBQ!

We will have an AM/PM throw-down so you can all get your weekend fitness in, but also throw in some fun games, and catered BBQ from Famous Dave’s!

Every 3:00, 4 Rounds
8 Bench Press (60-70% of 1RM Bench Press) +
15 Banded Face Pulls

For Time:
96-72-48 Double Unders (FX: 72-54-36 OR Single Unders)
24-18-12 Toes to Bar (FX: Hanging Leg Raises)
12-9-6 Single Dumbbell Devil’s Press (50/35) (FX: 35/20) (RX+: Double Dumbbell)
*14:00 Cap

Every 2:00, 8 Sets
1 High Hang Power Clean + 1 High Hang Squat Clean
1-4) w/ Pause in Dip @50, 55, 60, 65%
5-8) 70-75%
*Hold onto bar b/t reps
*Set weights for 1-4), range for 5-8)

5 Rounds for Time:
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
*(RX: 155/105) (FX: 115/80) (RX+: 185/125)
*10:00 Cap

Join us to celebrate CrossFit Route 7’s 10 Year Anniversary this Saturday at 9 AM!

If you haven’t already sign-up for food (Famous Daves’ BBQ!), and plan to eat, please RSVP TODAY!
You can add your name by clicking HERE!

5 Rounds of :20 on, :40 off
1) AMRAP Calorie Bike
2) Rest
3) AMRAP Calorie Row
4) Rest
5) AMRAP Calorie Ski
6) Rest

For Quality
1:00/1:00 Supine Spinal Twist
1:00/1:00 Pigeon Pose

1 7 8 9 10 11 744

Upcoming Events