WOD / Events

Black and Red Barbell meets at 9am. Open gym from 9-11am.


Yoga with Jenna at Ballston Crossfit at 10am. Members of both boxes get free classes and for non-members its $10.

BCF is located at 1110 N Glebe Arlington VA 22201. It is just 4 blocks from the Ballston Metro and also just 2 blocks from the Route 66 exits to Ballston (either Glebe Rd. westbound or Fairfax Dr. eastbound). If you drive, there is plenty of street parking within 2-3 blocks of BCF. There is parking on N. Vernon St. and Vermont Street on the other side of Glebe Rd. as well as parking available on N. Vernon St and 13th Street (these spaces are not zoned and open parking). There is a huge pay parking garage under the space and you can also pay $1 to park at the Ballston Mall (4-5 blocks away).

2 hang (low) snatches, 75-80%


10 rounds:
Run 200m (if weather permits, otherwise it will be switched to rowing)
20 double unders


Power Clean Technique



CrossFit Open Workout 15.4

(Rx’d Men, Masters Men 40-44, Masters Men 45-49, Masters Men 50-54, Rx’dWomen, Masters Women 40-44, Masters Women 45-49, Masters Women 50-54)

Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
3 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
6 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
9 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
12 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
15 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
18 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
21 handstand push-ups
9 cleans
Etc., adding 3 reps to the handstand push-up each round, and 3 reps to the clean every 3 rounds.

Men clean 185 lb.
Women clean 125 lb.

(Scaled Men, Scaled Masters Men 40-44, Scaled Masters Men 45-49, Scaled Masters Men 50-54, Scaled Women, Scaled Masters Women 40-44, Scaled Masters Women 45-49, Scaled Masters Women 50-54)

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
10 push presses
10 cleans

Men push press 95 lb. and clean 115 lb.
Women push press 65 lb. and clean 75 lb.



Skill/Technique: Turkish Get-Ups


In teams of four, AMRAP 15:
Max rep power clean, 115/80
Max rep shoulder to overhead, 95/65
*While the two partners work at those stations, the third partner will complete a 8x10m farmers carry (24kg/16kg) and the fourth partner will rest. Once the suitcase carry is finished, partners will rotate stations.
**Score is total reps


2 rounds:
1 minute glute bridge
1 minute plank hold

Press, find a heavy triple


3 rounds for time:
30 Calorie Row
25 KB swings Fx: 24/16
20 ring dips
15 toes to bar
10 pull-ups

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