WOD / Events

This Saturday be sure to take advantage of Mastering Mobility for Exercise. What exactly is self myofascial release?  What’s actually happening when I use a foam roller?  Why are my muscles tight?  Why can’t I just stretch?  Why does it hurt when we press on a certain place?  I foam rolled once why isn’t my squat fixed?  What do my pecs have to do with overhead positions?This is a fast paced, in-depth overview of fundamental soft-tissue physiology and biomechanics as they relate to exercise.  Coach Adam will not only instruct you on HOW to mobilize and treat areas for common movement faults, but explains WHY we do what we do. Gaining a greater understanding of how your own body works translates to – less pain, greater flexibility, more power output, consistent strength, faster metcons…and maybe better abs. Maybe.And and all mobility tools welcome. $20/person. 2-3 hours running time.


Fitness & performance:
For time:
1000 meter row
45 pound thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups
*Compare to 1/3/2015

Ring dips, 4 sets of max reps

Note – Benchmark Jackie on Thursday!

This Saturday be sure to take advantage of Mastering Mobility for Exercise. What exactly is self myofascial release?  What’s actually happening when I use a foam roller?  Why are my muscles tight?  Why can’t I just stretch?  Why does it hurt when we press on a certain place?  I foam rolled once why isn’t my squat fixed?  What do my pecs have to do with overhead positions?This is a fast paced, in-depth overview of fundamental soft-tissue physiology and biomechanics as they relate to exercise.  Coach Adam will not only instruct you on HOW to mobilize and treat areas for common movement faults, but explains WHY we do what we do. Gaining a greater understanding of how your own body works translates to – less pain, greater flexibility, more power output, consistent strength, faster metcons…and maybe better abs. Maybe.And and all mobility tools welcome. $20/person. 2-3 hours running time.


Snatch technique then, 10×1 (A)

Muscle ups
Snatch, 135/95
*Snatch must be full squat receiving position.
**15 min cap

Free class tonight at 6:30 pm. Bring your friends (no CF experience required)!

Note – Benchmarks Amanda and Jackie on Wed & Thurs. Plan your week and rest days accordingly!

This Saturday be sure to take advantage of Mastering Mobility for Exercise. What exactly is self myofascial release?  What’s actually happening when I use a foam roller?  Why are my muscles tight?  Why can’t I just stretch?  Why does it hurt when we press on a certain place?  I foam rolled once why isn’t my squat fixed?  What do my pecs have to do with overhead positions?This is a fast paced, in-depth overview of fundamental soft-tissue physiology and biomechanics as they relate to exercise.  Coach Adam will not only instruct you on HOW to mobilize and treat areas for common movement faults, but explains WHY we do what we do. Gaining a greater understanding of how your own body works translates to – less pain, greater flexibility, more power output, consistent strength, faster metcons…and maybe better abs. Maybe.And and all mobility tools welcome. $20/person. 2-3 hours running time.


Back squat, find 1RM

5 rounds for time:
25 double unders
15 walball shots, 20/14*
5 box jumps, 32/26

*if you break during your wallballs, you must add 5 wallball reps to that set

AB Finisher: TBD

***ATTENTION B&R BARBELL MEMBERS: Today’s training session has been pushed back to begin at 5:30-7:30 and is considered Open Gym for BB Members. Please be respectful of the CF classes taking place during this time slot  in regards to noise and equipment. Thanks!***

Note – we will have a 1RM Back Squat on Tuesday (lets hit some PR’s!), benchmarks Amanda and Jackie on Wed & Thurs. Plan your week and rest days accordingly!

This Saturday be sure to take advantage of Mastering Mobility for Exercise. What exactly is self myofascial release?  What’s actually happening when I use a foam roller?  Why are my muscles tight?  Why can’t I just stretch?  Why does it hurt when we press on a certain place?  I foam rolled once why isn’t my squat fixed?  What do my pecs have to do with overhead positions?This is a fast paced, in-depth overview of fundamental soft-tissue physiology and biomechanics as they relate to exercise.  Coach Adam will not only instruct you on HOW to mobilize and treat areas for common movement faults, but explains WHY we do what we do. Gaining a greater understanding of how your own body works translates to – less pain, greater flexibility, more power output, consistent strength, faster metcons…and maybe better abs. Maybe.And and all mobility tools welcome. $20/person. 2-3 hours running time.


Press, 3×6 (ME)

4 rounds, 1 minute stations:
Ring rows
Toes to bar

Finisher if time: handstand practice with a partner


Black and Red Barbell meets at 9am. Open gym from 9-11am.


Yoga with Nina at Ballston Crossfit at 10am. Members of both boxes get free yoga ($10 for friends).

Good yoga article here.

BCF is located at 1110 N Glebe Arlington VA 22201. It is just 4 blocks from the Ballston Metro and also just 2 blocks from the Route 66 exits to Ballston (either Glebe Rd. westbound or Fairfax Dr. eastbound). If you drive, there is plenty of street parking within 2-3 blocks of BCF. There is parking on N. Vernon St. and Vermont Street on the other side of Glebe Rd. as well as parking available on N. Vernon St and 13th Street (these spaces are not zoned and open parking).

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