WOD / Events

For the month of July we would like to celebrate and honor our patrons that have been with us since our inception. These athletes have been the foundation of CrossFit Route 7 since January of 2015. They have been around through our ups and downs. Our changes and modifications, and are considered leaders of the CFR7 community. Each day for the month of July we will honor an O.G. of CrossFit Route 7 on the WOD Post and Route 7 Facebook page.


4th of July Schedule:
Sunday, July 2nd: Yoga Cancelled
Monday, July 3rd: 7:30 Pm Wod Cancelled
Tuesday, July 4th: 10 am Wod only ( 9am WOD will be opened if class cap reservations occur)


Clean and Jerk

Find a heavy single

Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


For the month of July we would like to celebrate and honor our patrons that have been with us since our inception. These athletes have been the foundation of CrossFit Route 7 since January of 2015. They have been around through our ups and downs. Our changes and modifications, and are considered leaders of the CFR7 community. Each day for the month of July we will honor an O.G. of CrossFit Route 7 on the WOD Post and Route 7 Facebook page.


4th of July Schedule:
Sunday, July 2nd: Yoga Cancelled
Monday, July 3rd: 7:30 Pm Wod Cancelled
Tuesday, July 4th: 10 am Wod only


1 Mile Run
Chest to Bar Pull Ups, FX: Pull ups
Deadlift 185/125, Fx: 135/95
Burpees Over the Bar
1 Mile Run

6 x :45
Front Rack KB Hold
3 sets each side


For the month of July we would like to celebrate and honor our patrons that have been with us since our inception. These athletes have been the foundation of CrossFit Route 7 since January of 2015. They have been around through our ups and downs. Our changes and modifications, and are considered leaders of the CFR7 community. Each day for the month of July we will honor an O.G. of CrossFit Route 7 on the WOD Post and Route 7 Facebook page.


Strength for the week
Monday: Overhead Lunge
Tuesday: Long Metcon
Wednesday: Clean and Jerk
Thursday: Double MetCon
Friday: Benchmark Wod “Amanda”
Saturday: Strict Press/Push Press/Push Jerk
Sunday: Thruster


OH Barbell Lunge:
5 x 10 Meters (ME)

Renegade Row 50/35 Fx: 40/30
Sit Ups
Plate Ground to Overhead 45/25 Fx: 25/15

Yoga with Chuck at 11:15 am. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Great reads. CrossFit and Yoga need one another: http://zusayoga.com/yogaandcrossfit/


Push Press:
5 x 5 (Across)

15 Russian KBS 32/24, Fx:24/16
15 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
15 Wall Balls 20/14

Don’t forget to come out to CrossFit Lorton to support our team at SuperFit Lorton!

For more info visit: https://www.superfitgames.com/events/team-superfit-lorton


Heavy Squat clean Interval
Every :90 for 15:00
Perform 1 Squat Clean
*increase 5# every succesful lift
Working sets start 45# under 1 RM

For Time:
600m Run
21 Power Cleans, 155/105 , Fx:115/80
400 M Run
15 Power Cleans 155/105, Fx:115/80
200 M run
9 Power Cleans 155/105, Fx: 115/80


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