Wednesday is Bring A Friend Day! Don’t worry about signing them up, just show up 15 minutes early and we’ll get to working out together!
Member Spotlight – Vanessa

I have always been an active person my whole life. I was a competitive figure skater for 11 years until
I joined the dance team in college. After I graduated, I found myself struggling with my mental and
physical health, which was made worse by the stress of the pandemic. My weight had increased, and
I was always anxious. I wanted to make a change, but I didn’t know where to start. One day, my
boyfriend invited me to try CrossFit at Route 7. I was so nervous those first few classes at the gym,
but the coaches were so welcoming that I always ended up having fun. I started to fall in love with
the challenge of pushing myself during each class.
Two months in I started to get frustrated because wasn’t progressing very fast. The weights on my
lifts were low, and I could only do scaled movements during the Metcons. It wasn’t until Coach
Brandon sat me down, that I realized the kind of strength that I was building would take time. Then
and there I decided to be patient and commit. I started coming to CrossFit at least 5 times a week
and committed to my health.
Fast forward, 8 months later, I get my first set of pull ups, pushups, and even handstand pushups. I
started being able to do toes to bar and hit heavy PRs. I really started to see progress and I became
more motivated than ever. It wasn’t till I began hearing messages of support from my friends, family,
and coaches that I even realized I looked completely different. For the first time in my life, I could
physically see how strong I am, and I could do high level movements I only ever dreamed of.
Fast forward to a year after I started, I have lost a total of 20 pounds and I am able to successfully complete
RX workouts (I can’t believe all the progress!). For the first time in my life, I feel so confident in my body and my physical strength.
With the help of the experienced coaches at CrossFit Route 7, I have been able to achieve goals that I
never thought were possible. I am truly grateful for this journey and the amazing community at
CrossFit Route 7 that has supported me every step of the way.
Every 1:30 for 4 Sets
2 High Hang Squat Cleans
1: 50 – 55%
2: 55 – 60%
3: 60 – 65%
4: 65 – 70%
Directly Into
Every 1:30 for 6 Sets
2 Hang Squat Cleans
1: 65 – 70%
2: 70 – 75%
3: 75 – 80%
4: 80 – 85%
5: 80 – 85%+
6: 80 – 85%++
4 Rounds
12 Back Rack Lunges (135/95) (Fx: 95/65) (Rx+: 165/115)
72 Double Unders (Fx: 48)