Thursday, April 21, 2016


Thursday, April 21, 2016

TONIGHT!!! How to improve your squat with Airrosti. What is preventing you from squatting like a master. Tight hip, ankles,  or mechanics. Lets fix it. The Airrosti team will be providing 45 minutes of squat therapy to our members for free.  If you know someone looking to fix there squat, bring them in. Drop in fee is only $10. Then stay for the WOD that proceeds.

Please provide Airrosti with attendance by registering here.


Get ready to cheer on our CFR7 athletes that are competing in the Route 7 Rumble Saturday, April 23, 2016.


Handstand Hold (no wall) and Handstand Walking

5 Rounds:
300 M Row Sprints
Rest 3:00
This is 100% all out effort