BCF/CFR7 Nationals game May 18th!!! Make sure you reserve and purchase your spot. Tickets are $23 (scoreboard pavilion section) and tickets include a free beer. Friends are welcome. Members need to reserve their space by sending money via Venmo or PayPal to [email protected] or [email protected] via PayPal (be sure to choose sending money to a friend so no fees!) or giving $23 to Coach Brock or Coach BJ
RSVP to facebook event:
E4MOM 20
Set 1: 10@65-70%
Set 2: 10@70-75%
Set 3: 10@75-80%
Set 4: 10@75-80%
Set 5: 10@80-85%
Immediately after each set, row 1 minute, easy pace, damper at 3 or less.
30 Double unders
20 Kettlebell Swings 32/24, Fx: 24/16
10 Toes to Bar
5 Strict Handstand Push Ups, Fx: Kipping HSPU