E4MOM 20
Set 1: 10@60-65%
Set 2: 10@65-70%
Set 3: 10@70-75%
Set 4: 10@70-75%
Set 5: 10@75-80%
Immediately after each set, row 1 minute, easy pace, damper at 3 or less.
For time:
400 meter run with Dumbbell (50/35) (Fx:35/20)
40 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) (Fx:35/20)
40 Wall Ball Shots
Post WOD Finisher:
2-3 sets of:
DB Curl 21’s
7 Halfway to up
7 Down to halfway
7 Full range
Superset with 1:00 low plank