Saturday, September 22, 2018


Saturday, September 22, 2018

Bring a friend September Challenge!! Here’s a chance to win a FREE MONTH of membership for you and a Friend! For the month of September we are running a Bring a Friend Challenge. The member that brings the most friends (cannot be a prior member) over the month will win themselves a FREE month of Membership and a FREE month of 7-Fit membership for the friend of their choice.

The rules are simple:
-Bring a Friend to any 7-Fit class or CrossFit class (prior CrossFit experience is required for CrossFit WODs or you can also bring your friend to a “Free CrossFit” trial class if new and interested in CF). You should join your friend for their workout!
-Take a photo of you and your friend(s) in front of the Whiteboard after the workout (ensure the Date and WOD is visible)
-Post your photo to the Bring A Friend Facebook event
-Track your WODs and Friends in the spreadsheet (
-Friend cannot be a previous member


Hang Snatch:
1×3 @70%, 1×3 @75%, 3×3 @80%

For time:
Overhead Squats 115/80, Fx: 95/65, Rx+: 155/105
HSPU (Rx+ 4/2″ deficit)