Saturday, November 5, 2016


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Paving Project Schedule changes:
-Tuesday, November 8, NO NOON WOD
-Thursday, November 10, NO WODS ALL DAY
*Athletes are welcome and encouraged to train at BCF
November Attendance Challenge: Show us who can get the most WODs in for the month of November and win a Free month of membership for January 2017. Please ensure check ins are accurate. There is only one rule and way to win: Workout more than anyone else this month (if there are ties, Oct attendance will be used as a tiebreaker)!
New Morning Schedule effective November 7th: We want to boost the energy, excitement, support and competition of all Classes. We will be testing the AM schedule for the next 2 months to assess the attendance of shifting the WOD times to 0600 and 0700 Monday through Friday. We solicited feedback from regular morning attendees and the vast majority supported this change in schedule. 
2 Clean Pulls + 1 Clean (A: ~ 75-88%)
* Teaches students to drive though the legs, keeps the bar close and meet true hip extension in the 3rd pull
Partner WOD:
50 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 (*Partner Holds Deadlift at the top)
50 Deadlifts 155/105 (*Partner Holds MB Goblet Squat)
50 Cal Row (*Partner Holds Plank or Squat)
50 C2B, Fx:Pull Ups (*partner Hangs from bar)
Reps only count while static hold is performed
Handstand Hold
Accumulate a 4:00 Freestanding Hand stand Hold
Fx: 2:00
Or Play Partner Support Hold for 3:00