Have you started thinking about your goals for 2019? We want to help you achieve them! We will be going over strategy and tips in organizing a plan to meet your goals both short and long term
This year, we are all going to help each other stay accountable and committed. The workshop will also include a guided open discussion of our own experiences: What has worked and not worked for you in the past?
If you don’t necessarily have a “goal” in mind that is no problem at all. There is always something we are striving for whether it’s in the gym, work, family, or personal life. We can help you pin point it.
Please do your best to make this workshop. Set yourself up for Success in 2019!
“HSPU Test Day”
Rx+: 10 min AMRAP HSPU (4″/2″ Deficit)
Rx: 10 min AMRAP HSPU
Scaled option: 10 min of HSPU development
3 Squat Cleans (205/135) (Fx: 165/110) (Rx+: 245/165)
3 Front Squats (205/135) (Fx: 165/110) (Rx+: 245/165)
75 Double Unders (Fx: 50)