Monday, November 9, 2015
Bring some friends to WOD with us Wednesday, November 11! No CrossFit experience is needed, they can just show up to WOD with you at any WOD throughout the day! WOD for Warriors at 6:30pm! Join Team RWB at 6:30pm!
Join us Saturday at CrossFit South Arlington for the 4th annual BCF vs. CFSA Throwdown. CrossFit South is located in Arlington. 607 S Ball St, Arlington, VA 22202
Rope Climbs and Technique
Rx: 4 sets of 1 legless + 2 Rope climbs
FX: 6 x 2 rope Climbs (or rope climbing technique)
16 Minutes Total time, Not for time
6 Rounds for time:
6 Ring dips, Fx: push-ups
8 Burpees to 4″ plate (full hips/knees extended)
10 Deadlifts 185/125, Fx 135/95