Monday, March 20, 2017
Get ready this Friday, March 24th at 6:30 pm to watch the best Ladies and Men both scaled and Rx go at it for the 17.5 Showdown! Bring a beverage and a friend and lets do this! Top Five will be released Tuesday.
Join Platey and Tina as they race against time to understand that fitness isn’t always about limiting yourself to one activity. It’s also important to enjoy time with friends, try new sports and games, and enjoy yourself. Can they defeat TicToc to improve on their first race time?
Strength for the week
Sunday: Overhead Squat
Monday: Push Jerks
Tuesday: Deadlifts
Wednesday: HSPU Technique and Partner WOD
Thursday: Snatch
Friday: Open WOD 17.5 and Showdown at 6:30 pm
Saturday: TBD
3 Push Jerks (ME)
70 double unders
10 Clusters 115/80, Fx: 10 Thrusters 95/65
7 Ring Muscle Ups Fx: 7 ring dips