Virtual Nutrition Seminar 7:30 PM tonight!
Join Nutrition Coach Ann Brubaker at 7:30 PM for a virtual seminar on carbohydrates! Learn about different carb sources, their function in your body, and the role they play in your diet. Click here to join!

Weekly Overview | Events/Classes | |
Monday | Ring Muscle Ups | |
Tuesday | Power Clean/Jerk Complex | Free CrossFit Class at 6 PM! |
Wednesday | OHS/Power Snatch | Ab Attack at 6:45 PM |
Thursday | Turkish Get Ups | |
Friday | Open Workout 22.1 | Friday Night Lights! |
Saturday | Long Conditioning | Free CrossFit Class at 9 AM! |
Sunday | Back Rack Lunges |
3 Rounds
5 Strict Ring Dips with :03 Hold in Support Each Rep
5 Toes to Rings + 3 Ring Muscle Ups
3 Strict Ring Dips with :03 Hold in Support Each Rep
5 Toes to Rings + 1 Ring Muscle Up
5 Box Dips with :03 Hold in Support Each Rep
5 Toes to Rings + 5 False Grip Ring Rows
8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (Fx: 8 Pull Ups) (Rx+: 12)
8 Strict Handstand Push Ups (Fx: Kipping) (Rx+: 12)
400m Run