Friday, May 22, 2020

**Please note all of the following guidelines are based on current guidance from the Governor of Virginia. We are prepared to continue to adjust our operations as further guidance/direction is released in the coming weeks/months. Please note, if you don’t agree with the guidance released by your elected Virginian officials, we encourage you to reach out to your Governor/Senator’s office.**
First off, we are extremely excited to see our friends back in the box starting Friday, May 29th!! We have missed all of you!! We were pleased to see that fitness centers were allowed to open in Phase 1 of the re-opening process (but certainly disappointed that we were delayed 2 weeks by northern VA officials)  We strongly believe that a healthy and fit body is the best way to keep you safe from illness, and as more data has been released around the coronavirus it has certainly reinforced that belief. In fact, according to CrossFit CEO Greg Glassman, they have researched data in Italy and there has not been a single coronavirus death from the approx 100,000 people who do CrossFit at any of the 700 boxes in Italy. 
BCF/CFR7 Reopening plan:
  • We will follow mandates and rules outlined by the Governor of Virginia. We have increased the cleaning/sanitization protocols at the gym.
  • If you are not feeling well or feeling sick, please stay at home and get rest. 
  • If you have been in contact with anyone suspected of having COVID-19 or if you interact with at-risk populations, please avoid attending group classes at the gym.
    1. We are planning to re-open the boxes Friday, May 29th for outdoor classes. We will have the Zen Planner schedule up to date and we have configured all frozen memberships to reactivate Monday, June 1st (to keep all billing on the first of the month). If you wish to keep your membership on hold at this time, just email your desired hold period to [email protected] or [email protected] (if you have already sent an email requesting a longer hold period, no need to re-send). 
  • Our starting schedule will have all of our CrossFit classes at the times available prior to the shutdown. If classes fill up, we will add more classes during the day to ensure people can get into the gym to workout.
  • We will continue to offer the following virtual classes on zoom (until we are able to increase our capacity at the gyms): CrossFit workout 5x/week, yoga 1x/week, Core Blast 2x/week
  • Classes will have a cap of 9 people and 1 coach. Reservations are 100% required for all classes (and we recommend reserving further in advance than you have in the past). You can NOT just show up to workout without a reservation. Please download the Zen Planner app for easy class reservations. Lastly, if you reserve class, we expect you to show up for the class. Reminder, you can reserve up to 7 days in advance and cancel up to 1 hour prior to class. If you don’t show up (taking a workout slot away from someone who wanted to workout), you will lose eligibility to that workout time slot for a 30 day probation period. Please respect your fellow members in this process.
  • Classes will be shortened to 50 minutes allowing for 10 min for the coach to sanitize between classes. We are requesting all members wipe down your equipment BEFORE you use it. This will ensure it has been cleaned to your satisfaction. Once class has ended, that class will depart so the next class can enter. We encourage you to mobilize at your home before coming to WOD and again once you get home (there will be very little time to mobilize in the gym).
  • Per government guidance, face coverings are recommended for members but not required. Coaches will be required a mask. 
  • Maintain social distancing (6 foot distance) when in the gym.
  • We will not be sharing equipment or having partner workouts.🚫
  • Re-calibrate your expectations around your strength, gymnastics and stamina capabilities. Depending on your activity level and access to equipment, this has likely diminished for everyone and significantly for some. Brock and Brandon have created a “reintegration” programming block to ease us back into the intensity of strength training and CrossFit workouts. In the next week, we will share the details of this upcoming programming block.

For those of you who have borrowed equipment, please see below (you will receive a more detailed email regarding time slots to return the equipment):

  • All barbells will need to be returned on Monday, May 25th between 3-7pm (we will be performing maintenance on the barbells so they are like new again).
  • All other equipment that has been borrowed will need to be returned on Thursday, May 28th between 5-7pm.

It may sound strict to some and not strict enough to others, but we are determined to provide a safe environment for our athletes to remain healthy and active.  

Thank you for your continued patience and a BIGGER THANK YOU to all of our members who have continued to support us through this challenging time! We are very humbled by your generosity and we really appreciate it. We have been working hard and you’ll see a brand new gym when you return on May 29th!

Let’s stay positive and do this!💪


Virtual Classes!

CrossFit – 12:00PM JOIN HERE

Nutrition Seminar – 5:00PM JOIN HERE

1: AMRAP Strict Press
2: AMRAP Push Press
3: AMRAP Push Jerk
4: Rest
5: Rest

Use the same weight for all three movements. If you are using a dumbbell or kettlebell, do :30 on each arm for each of the intervals.

“Death By 30ft. Sprint”