The CrossFit Open starts in TWO WEEKS!
We will be drafting teams next week!
Sign-up at

Valentine’s Day WOD
AMRAP 14 w/ Partner
Partner 1: AMRAP Calorie Ski
Partner 2:
14 Hang Power Cleans (95/65) (FX: 75/55)
14 Front Squats (95/65) (FX: 75/55)
Rest 5:00
AMRAP 14 w/ Partner
Partner 1: AMRAP Calorie Bike
Partner 2:
14 Power Snatch (95/65) (FX: 75/55)
14 Back Rack Lunges (95/65) (FX: 75/55)
*Switch machines after each full round of 14
*Score A: Total Calories
*Score B: Total Reps