Monday, November 7, 2016


Monday, November 7, 2016

Paving Project Schedule changes:
-Tuesday, November 8, NO NOON WOD
-Thursday, November 10, NO WODS ALL DAY
*Athletes are welcome and encouraged to train at BCF
**New Morning Schedule effective November 7th: We want to boost the energy, excitement, support and competition of all Classes. We will be testing the AM schedule for the next 2 months to assess the attendance of shifting the WOD times to 0600 and 0700 Monday through Friday. We solicited feedback from regular morning attendees and the vast majority supported this change in schedule. 

Hey everyone it’s hoodie time! Please fill out spreadsheet for your order no later than November 15. Hoodies are $40 each and they come in Men’s cut and ladies cut. Apologies fellas for not having a preview for us.

Payment Options:
1) Cash: Envelop with Name/Style and size, and place in the cash box (still fill out the spreadsheet)
2) Paypal, with no fees to [email protected], Subject:Hoodie order…/1aY_zkAHOss-kdEEqDFYU7D8ZUG…/edit…

Route7 Hoodies


Strength/skill/finisher Schedule:
Monday: Back Squat/Skin the cats
Tuesday: Bar Muscle Up
Wednesday: Deadlift/Ring Push ups
Thursday: Snatch/Plank
Friday: Armistice (BCF) at CFR7 on Wednesday.
Saturday: Push Jerk/Ghd Sit ups
Sunday: Front Squat
Back Squat:
5 x 2 @ 85-95%
KBS 32/24, Fx: 24/16
Goblet Squat 32/24, Fx: 24/16
Finisher: Skin the Cats