Thomas Inglesby


Thomas Inglesby

After seeing an advertisement on Facebook I decided to give CrossFit a shot and signed up for the Foundations program. I liked the Foundations program, the instructors, and the people, so I signed up for a membership afterwards. I could only commit to something short-term, so I signed up for a 3 month membership. They have varying membership lengths and tiers to accommodate your needs, and as long as you can get there 3 times a week, it’s worth your while.

Prior to joining CFR7, I had been able to run off and on, and lift off and on, but never put it all together to consistently over the long-term ever really get in shape. CFR7 has become a routine for me, and workout by workout as the weeks have ticked by, I’ve noticed results in my body. Classes are an hour long and you get a lot of bang for your buck. Instructors give you more than adequate attention on proper technique. CFR7 is perfect for me, for getting a quick workout meaningful workout in a few times a week after work. The members are also very accommodating and not intimidating . There are various skill levels, and you will not feel out of place no matter how in-shape or out of shape you are.

Lastly, they encourage nutrition and offer diet/nutrition programs for members that are interested. While I haven’t signed up, I have heeded their advice and cleaned up my diet quite a bit. I’m the healthiest I’ve been in ten years thanks to CFR7 these last few months. I highly recommend them if you have the willingness to make a commitment one hour 3x/week towards a healthier lifestyle.